Spring 2025 Seminar with John Messores Shihan
Bloomington Aikido is pleased to announce that we will be hosting John Messores Shihan on April 11-13, 2025. Aikido students of all affiliations and experience levels are welcome!
John Messores holds the rank of nanadan (7th degree black belt) in Aikido. He is one of the most senior instructors in the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba organization, and among the highest ranked Americans affiliated with Aikido Hombu (Aikido world headquarters).

Fall 2024 Seminar with Erwin Ricafort Sensei
The Aikido Club at Indiana University is honored to host Erwin Ricafort Sensei October 4-6, 2024. Ricafort Sensei has been a student and ASU member since 1991. He is a direct student of Kevin Sparkman Sensei who was a student of Dennis Hooker Sensei. This seminar will focus on aiki principles as applied to aikido technique.

Spring 2024 Seminar with John Messores Shihan
John Messores Shihan is ranked as nanadan (7th degree black belt) in Aikido. He is one of the most senior instructors in the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba organization, and among the highest ranked Americans affiliated with Aikido Hombu (the world Aikikai headquarters). Messores Sensei is also a member of the Ueshiba Juku, a designation recognizing direct transmission from the Founder and Mitsugi Saotome Shihan. Messores Sensei has been a personal student of Saotome Shihan for nearly forty years.